There’s “History in the Baking” at 6635 StudeBaker home bakery. Deb Spencer creates wonderfully flavorful breads in a conventional oven using methods and recipes from the 19th century, drawing on her extensive experience in hearth-baking, wood-fired cook stove baking, and baking in a wood-fired brick bake oven. Certified organic flours and grains are used in breads baked at StudeBaker. Homemade hops-and-potato yeast (locally grown hops and organic potatoes), organic yeast, our own organic sourdoughs (including organic einkorn), a long rise, and hand-working the dough, all contribute to the flavor and texture of home-baked breads that are a delight to the eye and a treat for the taste buds.

Certified organic grains, freshly ground into flour at 6635 StudeBaker, and used for baking:
Durum wheat, Emmer wheat, Khorasan wheat, Red Fife wheat, Einkorn wheat, Spelt, Rye, Corn, Oats, Barley, White Basmati rice, Brown Basmati rice.

Organic pastas (from organic durum wheat) are now available (Bigoli, Bucatini, Campanelle, Capellini, macaroni, ziti, Zucca, and others).

Some gluten-free breads will also be offered, but, please note that these breads are baked in a non-gluten-free kitchen.

No growers in this market use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides!

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